Because inclement weather closed my school district, I had the opportunity to contact administrators about my teaching strategies and share recent articles about them. Kelly Birmingham, Program Manager at the South Carolina Interagency Deaf-Blind Project, offered to forwarded by information to the principals of Vision Outreach, The South Carolina School for the Blind, and her colleagues at her location. Dr. Wendy Parent- Johnson offered to share my information with her colleagues. I had a great discussion with Emily Taylor-Snell, Project Coordinator for the FAVI Deaf- Blind Collaboration. She mentioned that she knew Dana Tarter- the educator who coauthored a recent article with me in the Summer 2015 Council for Exceptional Children’s Visual Impairment and Deafblind Education Quarterly. What a small world!!!!

I also shared my information with the following Helen Keller Center regional representatives: Beth Jordan (Great Plains), Molly Sinanan (South Central), and Judy Knisely (North Central). I appreciated their time and willingness to listen.

I received an email from Jamie Hall, West Virginia IRC/ AEM Technical Specialist. Ms. Hall informed me that my manipulatives are currently on West Virginia’s list serve. Due to time and distance (plus snow and ice!), I believe that I am one step closer to being able to positively impact at least one more student’s life in West Virginia.

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