I met an administrator, Donna Morris, Assistant Director for the Tri- County Special Education Association, in Bloomington, Illinois. Even though I “dropped by”, she still made time to hear new strategies to help her students. After a short demonstration, she was willing to share my contact information with her colleagues. We discussed how my math manipulatives can be used to differentiate instruction in all academic settings and the limited manipulatives for students to use to round numbers up to 10,000,000.


I demonstrated my math manipulatives to Beverley Holden Johns. Because my manipulatives would be effective for all students, Ms. Johns invited me to present at the 2014 Illinois Council for Children with Behavior Disorders Conference on February 1st and exhibit at the 2013 Illinois CEC Conference on November 7th-9th.  After I meet my commitments to schools and school systems and have time available on my calendar, I would like to accept her invitation.

Follow my blog for more information regarding my attendance at the conferences.


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